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Thursday 20 November 2014

Sports day @ SK Mulong 2

Sports Day at SK Mulong 2 was an absolute blast!

The event was kicked off with a dazzling display of colors and theatricality, there were four teams competing and each was represented by a bright culturally significant color. The teams represented themselves as the green house, blue house, yellow house and red  house. 

After the opening ceremony, each house's band marched across the field displaying an array of colorful outfits and costumes, flags and band designs, all created by the teachers and students of that particular house. Green house took it a step further and gave us a wonderful Tai Kwondo martial arts demonstration, inclusive of poses, kata and self defense techniques. 


After very grueling competition and relentless support from teachers, blue house came out on top, followed by red house in second place and green house coming in third. All of the teams did very well and worked so hard, I'm curious to find out who will take home the championship next year.

~Yusuf S.D.J.L~

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